ہیو منزم اور اس کےعوامل و عناصر ۔قرآنی فکر کا مطالعہ


  • مدثرہ ملک پی ایچ ڈی سکالر،ادارہ علوم اسلامیہ، پنجاب یونیورسٹی، لاہور، پاکستان Author
  • عاصم نعیم ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر ، ادارہ علوم اسلامیہ، پنجاب یونیورسٹی، لاہور، پاکستان Author


Humanism, Qur’ānic Thought, Contemporary Urdu Exegesis


Humanism is an ethical philosophy, emphasizing reason, freedom of thought and human centered values, rejecting all supernatural explanation of reality. This life stance affirms that human beings have the right to give meaning and shape to their own lives. Major trend of this philosophy is anti-religious and negation to God.  Humanism began as a reaction to the predominance of religion during the middle ages in Europe. The religion was criticized and led to the extreme view that “Man is the Measure of all things”.  Humanism has performed a revolutionary role in the changes and evolution of human beliefs and sociology. Humanism has become a movement in religion’s history which is accepted as a fashion and agenda. It has changed the spiritual bases, even super naturalists also convinced to the supremacy of human being. It is also the base of Democracy, Capitalism, Secularism, Nationalism, Liberalism and Communism. On the other hand, Islam stands on its own self-sufficient philosophy and worldview, without needing an extraneous philosophy. Muslim scholars reject the basic philosophical premise of humanism that humans-rather than God-are the measure of all things. So, in the present paper it would be analyzed that if Humanism compatible to Islam or Islam itself gives a comprehensive and complete system for the well-being of humanity, both in this life and hereafter? Islam teaches that God is the ultimate source of the moral values, and the Qur’ān lays down a consolidated ethical system anchored in eternally valid and life-enriching moral principles. Some Muslims have the opinion that core values of Humanism are compatible to Islamic worldview. In this article giving a brief introduction to the Humanism, critics of exegetes are described to clear, rather this philosophy is acceptable to Islam or a comprehensive and successful social system could be designed without Divine commandants.


