علم ِغریب الحدیث کے ارتقاء میں ابن اثیر الجزری ؒ  کا کردار : تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • محمد ریاض محمود اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر،شعبہ علومِ اسلامیہ،یونیورسٹی آف گجرات،گجرات، پاکستان Author
  • ارشد منیر ایسو سی ایٹ پروفیسر،شعبہ علومِ اسلامیہ،یونیورسٹی آف گجرات،گجرات،پاکستان Author


Ibn Al-Athīr al-Jazrī, ‘Ilm Gharīb al-Hadīṯh, Sciences of Hadīṯh


Hadīṯh is considered as the primary source of Islamic Sharī’ah. The research on Hadīṯh has a great importance in the fields of Islamic research and legacy. Numerous scholars of Hadīṯh have served this branch of knowledge. Due to the vast and multi-dimensional nature of Hadīṯh, it has been classified into a number of branches of which “Ilm Gharīb al-Hadīṯh” is one such branch. It acquaints us with the unidentified, mysterious, unfamiliar and vernacular words and structures in Hadīṯh. A good number of scholars of Hadīṯh has contributed to this field among whom Ibn Aṯhīr Al-Jazari is one of the most prominent and authentic names. His book “al-Nihāya fi Gharīb al-Hadīṯh” is a valuable resource of knowledge and interpretation for other related works. The present study aims to analyze the contribution and the impact of Ibn Aṯhīr and his works on the field of al-Nihāya fi Gharīb al-Hadīṯh. Ibn Aṯhīr belonged to Shafī school of thought and Tafsīr, Hadīṯh, jurisprudence and Arabic language were his areas of special interest. His scholarly work is an important resource of knowledge in Islamic research, especially in the field of “Gharīb al-Hadīṯh”. Descriptive and analytical methods have been used to analyze the impact of Ibn Aṯhīr’s work. The present paper is an attempt to fulfill the intellectual needs of the scholar’s working in the field of Hadīṯh.


