أصول التفسير بين "نظرات فى كتاب الله" و" المبصر لنور القرآن"دراسة مقارنة فى ضوء سورة الفاتحة و البقرة وآل عمران
Zainab al-Ghazāli, Nāila Hashim, Nazarāt fi Kitābillah, al-Mubṣir li-Nūri al-Qur’ānAbstract
The genre of the exegesis of the Qur’ān has been the focus of the Muslim scholars from the very beginning. Not only the men, but the women also played a vital role in this regard. Among the companions of the Prophet, one can witness the dynamic role of Sayyeda Ayīsha, Umme Hafṣa and Umme Salma in the development of Qur’ānic Studies. In the present era as well, the contribution of the Muslim women in exegesis is of grave significance. However, it is important to evaluate that are these works are in accordance with the standard level of exegesis set by the scholars of principals of Tafsīr. In the present article, an effort is made to analyze the two works of exegesis produced by two Muslim women i.e. Zainab al-Ghazāli and Naila Hashim titled as “Nazarāt fi Kitābillah” and “Al Mubsir” respectively.