Islamic Work Ethics: An antecedent for “Sustainable Motivation” and “Effective Employee”
Islamic Work Ethics, Sustainable Motivation, Effective EmployeeAbstract
From personnel management to human resource management, from human resource management to strategic human resource management and from strategic human resource management to talent management, quest of scholars and practitioners is to devise frameworks, processes and systems which help in finding, building and utilizing employees in such a way that organizational goals are achieved. Working on same lines, this conceptual paper intends to provide a framework of “Effective Employee”. Ethics are the rules of life that governs human interaction and human behavior. Ethics starts playing their part when a person needs to make choices from different available moral principles. Islamic ethics framework has been used to findout the effective behaviors of employees. Previous studies has been explored and based on already available literature, a framework has been devised. Framework hypothesized a significant relationship among Islamic work ethics and effective employee with the help of other variables including OCB, Innovative work behavior, knowledge sharing and sustainable motivation. Future researcher can validate or refine this model and then it will be ready to use for the practitioners.