تکثیری سماج میں بین المذاہب تعلقات کاجائزہ،سیرت نبویؐ کی روشنی میں


  • سید باچاآغا Author


Interfaith relations, Pluralistic society, Sīrah and contemporary social challenges


We Live in a Global and Pluralistic Society Where Faith Traditions, Religious, Spiritualties Collide. We Need to Engage in the Space between our Faith Tradition, so that Rather than Colliding and Fighting, there can be Peace. Making peace is a matter of individual and institutional choice, as well as of individual and institutional change. Thus, peace requires a sense of inner conversion (metanoia) a change in policies and practices. Peacemaking ultimately requires commitment, courage and sacrifice. It demands of us a willingness to become people and communities of transformation. Islam proved that Muslims and non-Muslims are all equal as human beings and are equal in human compassion and relationship. The teaching and instructions given by Islam with regard to mutual respect and moral excellence are primarily meant for Muslims; however, non-Muslims are also included in it. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught his followers high morals and considerate in dealing with others. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave ideas concerning human rights, collective justice, tolerance, and mutual peaceful existence in the international relations. This article explains deeply about the interfaith relations in the Pluralistic society according to Islamic thoughts and Seerah.





