حالات و زمانہ کی رعایت سے    متعلق جمہور فقہاء کرام کی تصریحات  (عصر حاضر کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ)


  • Hafiz Irfanullah, Ph.D. Scholar / Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore: Author
  • Dr. Tahir Masood Qazi, HoD, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore Author


Circumstances, change, rules of sharia, Jurists, contemporary issues, and workable solutions


The study of human history shows that changes in circumstances and times change the human temperament, which in turn changes its needs and wants. Human life, which began in a very simple way, has changed over time. Amazing changes have taken place in the way of life, lifestyle and way of life of human beings. If we look at the condition of our late grandfather or great – grandfather and look at the contemporary situation; it will not be difficult to understand this change. Therefore, we see that the various commands received by the Holy Prophets also kept changing, some of the commands were repealed and some were softened or tightened as required. In the descendants of Adam (Peace Be upon Him) the mutual marriage of brothers and sisters was allowed so that the human race could continue, later it was banned. After the flood of Noah, due to the scarcity of animals, the meat of all kinds of animals was allowed and later it was forbidden. Similarly, two sisters were married to Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) at the same time and later it was forbidden. According to this analogy, even in the time of the Holy Prophet and the rightly guided caliphs, such changes took place and they were associated with the situation and time as permission was given after visiting the graves, permission to keep the sacrificial meat longer after the ban on keeping it for three days. Prohibition of women coming to the mosque, etc. Therefore, it was found that when a change in the conditions of human life is necessary, the rules that apply to it will also change, whether that change is temporary or permanent. The changes taking place in the present day require the special attention of the jurist so that the contemporary Muslim can be guided according to his present need. Fortunately, we have a body of jurisprudence in the light of which not only contemporary issues can be solved but also guidance can be provided for the future. Our imams of jurisprudence have done a remarkable job in this regard. All of them, according to their own thinking, formulated principles in the light of which solutions to the problems of all times can be found. From the teaching of these jurists, it clear that the change in the conditions of human life and the change of time be kept in view of every jurist and they offer solutions to problems accordingly. The following article reviews the teachings of the three jurists, namely Imam Shafi’i, Imam Malik, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and teachings of their glean jurists. This will make it clear that in view of the changing circumstances these jurists seem to agree on change. Therefore, by using the efforts of these jurists, we can try to tackle the problems of the present time and offer a workable solution for the Muslim world.





