اسلامی خارجہ پالیسی کےبنیادی اصول اور دورجدید کے بین الاقوامی تعلقات


  • ظہیراحمد ۔پی ایچ ڈی اسکالر ،شعبہ اسلامی فکر وتہذیب، یونیورسٹی آف مینجمنٹ اینڈ ٹیکنالوج Author
  • پروفیسر ڈ اکٹر طاہرہ بشارت پروفیسر، شعبہ اسلامی فکر وتہذیب ، یونیورسٹی آف مینجمنٹ این Author


International relations, Islamic fundamental rules, Torch bearer, Unique rules, Peace, Prosperity, Security, Oneness of Allah


Islam covers all the aspects of human life. It is not only a religion but also a complete code of life. Islam also guide us how to run a state and to maintain peaceful and useful relations with its neighbourship and other states. It has been acknowledged for the first time in political history of the world that the golden principles in establishing peaceful and harmonious relations were set and practiced by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) which is the last Rasool of Allah Almighty. All his life is a translation and interpretation of the Holly Quran.

            In this article it is proved that the rules to lead foreign policy by today’s civilized world were fundamentally originated by Islam. Today’s civilized world may design its foreign policy under the light of the principles given by Islam. No doubt, rules of Islamic foreign affairs are the torchbearer and leader for the modern world . If we make a deep study of Christianity, Jewism, Hinduism or any other religion or school of thought of the world we would not find a complete and permanent solution related peace, security and prosperity of the world. Islam gives us the golden rules for one person, society or state in the field of making relations to others individually and collectively.

            Islam lays great stress on equality, social justice, brotherhood and peace not only in state but across the border too. The fundamental rules of Islamic foreign policy not only emphasize on the faith of oneness of Allah but also on the equality among all the human beings and all the races and nations. Islam builds international relations on humanitarian’s bases.





