The Role of Faith in Developinga Sense of Responsibility and Accountability
Faith, Accountability, ResponsibilityAbstract
Today, scientific development is on full swing. Knowledge is being spread widely,
unluckily; there is no existence of the Creator in these scientific developments.
Materialism took the man away from belief. Though discovery of universe is
essential but man is going farther from one another. In this scenario there is a dire
need of thinking to solve these problems in the light of Beduizzaman Said Nursi‟s
thoughts. Human mind controls all the activities of a man. This is the centre of
human body. These feelings basically base on some permanent strong thinking and
concepts. These principles are called our beliefs i.e. faith. This centre gives
directions to practice a man; it also controls all the deeds of a man. The single
motivater of our all the activities is our intention. Holy Prophet (SWS) said‟ “All
the deeds are based on intentions.” The Prophet (SWS) clearly told five principles
as basic beliefs i.e. Tauheed, belief on Angles, His prophets, books and be
answerable on the Day of Judgment. Islam provides a complete system of
accountability. If this sense disappears the whole system will collapse. This
responsibility may be divided into three parts i.e. Individual responsibilities,
Collective responsibilities and International responsibilities. Man created by God,
held some individual responsibilities like fearing God, be independent, patience
and self respected. Moreover serving others, be helpful, console and comfort others
are his good qualities. Collective phase comprises responsibilities like equality,
freedom of speech, justice, fair play being responsible, spreading of knowledge
disarmament, peaceful talks and one standard of socio economic responsibilities.
In international scenario, free politics, weaponless society, being open minded,
serving mankind irrespective of geographical boundaries, eradicating poverty from
the world and helping the deprived ones of this society. Tauheed is not only a
scholastic view but a practical fact. Believing this faith man becomes free and
independent in all respects. He develops himself into a superior one to all of the
rest of the creatures. A sense of awareness is granted to him by the Almighty
Allah. Allah says in Surah Al-Hadeed.‟ Where you are, He is always with you.
And Surah Al-Momin says, “Approach me”, I will accept all your requests.”
Islamic beliefs develop a sense of collective welfare. It enables man to serve others
and be helpful for them.