تبادلہ اشیاء کے جدید ذرائع کی فقہی حیثیت کا  تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Mufti Saeed Ahmad Postdoc Fellow, IRI, IIU, Islamabad. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Usman Khalid Ph.D. Scholar Department of Islamic Studies, UET, Lahore. Author


Currency , Modern sources of Exchange, Gold, Silver, Legal Currency, Illegal Currency, Jurisprudential status


Human being has different needs for survival including food, clothes, and other social necessities. In this regard, it needs some medium of exchange; so it could fulfill its physical needs. As per chronological history, it has utilized different sources for this purpose including commodities, metal, gold, etc. Contemporary, it operates modern courses of currency such as plastic currency, credit cards, and digital currencies. Explicatory, the currency has two types such as real and assumed currencies. Real currency is gold/silver which needs no legal power while the assumed currency is in dire need of legal and political power. Clarifying, the assumed currency has also two types such as legal and illegal currencies. Those who have legal justification endorsed by an official govt of a State are considered legal currency; which is considered as a real currency/gold. Contrary, an assumed currency that is not endorsed/adopted by any State or govt is illegal. Concluding, there are three main modern currencies emerged worldwide respectively, plastic currency, credit cards, and digital currency. These types will not only be elaborated in the lines below but also a detailed discussion will be mentioned about their jurisprudential status (fiqhi status).


