Understanding Ecology Issues and Finding their IslamicSolution
Everything in the Universe has a unique purpose and nature of work. A
universe is a community of living organisms (plants, animals, and
microbes) in conjunction with the nonliving components of their
environment (things like air, water and mineral, soil), interacting as a
system. Many components of the environment combine together to make
this earth live for other organisms. Our earth is composed of four types of
layers; air, water, soil and rock. Different types of gases are also the main
source of organisms to live. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide
are also present in different proportion in air. All the things regulate in their
proper and balance manner. It is important to recognize that all the living
and nonliving component of an eco-system interact with each other.(1) The
way in which human beings animals and plants are related to one another
and to their surroundings is known as environment.(2) In the Light of Islam
the word “ecology” or “environment” has been used in different meanings.
In Arabic language, the root word used for ecology is“يؤُبّعلمبلت “which
lexically mean surroundings.(3) Islam teaches us the basic and important
lesson that we should be moderate in our every action. It is the man who
needs to manage and understand the nature of creatures and things which
are created in the world by Allah as the vicegerent of Allah and being
superior to all the creatures. Allah has subjected everything to man present
in the nature as it is narrated in the Quran:
اَنَىْ رَسَْٔا اٌََ انهَّّٰ ظَّخَسَ نَكُىْ يَب فًِ انعًَٰٰٕدِ َٔ يَب فًِ انْبَزْعِ)4(
Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all
things in the heavens and on earth?