خصائص النبوة اورمعجزات کے بیان میں نواب صدیق حسن خان ؒ کا منہج و اسلوب


  • حافظ انتظار احمد اسسٹنٹ ریسرچ الاضواء، شیخ زاید اسلامک سنٹر، پنجاب یونیورسٹی، لاہور، پاکستان Author
  • عبدالغفار اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، شعبہ علومِ اسلامیہ، یونیورسٹی آف انجینئرنگ اینڈ ٹیکنالوجی، لاہور، (نارو وال کیمپس)پاکستان Author


Nawab Siddīque Hasan Khan, Khasaīs Al-Nubuwah


The Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) has always been considered an important branch of Islamic studies. Throughout the Islamic history Muslim scholars have been writing on this branch of Islamic studies in diversified way. In 19th century, Nawāb Siddīque Hasan Khān worked on Sīrah as minstrative work. He adopted a different style of writing comprehensively and briefly to describe Sīrah. For example, in the description of Al-Shamā’il-e-Nabī a magazine "Balūgh al-‘Ullā bi Ma’rifat al-Hullā" he recollected primary sources of references. It is an ideal reference book. It has covered other topics like names and epithet of Holy Prophet SAW, migration incidents, Ghazawāt and Sirāya, virtue and miracles of Holy Prophet SAW. Specially, Nawāb Siddīque Hasan Khān opted the comical guise using intellectual paraphrases. In this article, it has been described of his such style of writings on Sīrah Al-Nabwīya. The coming lines are going to elaborate the aspects of Sīrah described by Nawāb Sahib.


