المديح النبوي عند العلامة أنور شاه الكشميري وأمير الشعراء أحمد الشوقي( دراسة تحليلية موازنة خلال الأبيات المختارة)
This research is dealing with expressing the experience of the two poets, flowing the love of the Prophet ( may God bless him ) from their hearts, and revealing the features of their poetry and the symbols of the lessons and advices for the Muslim ummaha.
It also tries to find out the aesthetic values of the art of praise, to express Islamic instructions, advocacy and guidance. It focuses on the distinctive style of expressing religious emotions emanating from hearts filled with honesty and loyalty.
The research includes the concept of praise, life history of the two poets, the analytical study of the selected verses, and the comparative study of the two poets.