التعايش السلمي المتناغم بين أتباع الأديان من المنظور القرآني (دراسة وصفية لجھود باكستان لتحقيق التعايش السلمي)

Peaceful, Harmonious Coexistence among the Followers of Religions from the Qur'anic Perspective (A Descriptive Study of Pakistan's Efforts for Achieving Peaceful Coexistence)

  • Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Muhammad Assistant Professor, Department of Translation & Interpretation International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr.Naseem Mahmood Assistant Professor، Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Allama Iqbal Graduate College, Sialkot
Keywords: Holy Qur'an, peaceful, harmonious, coexistence, pakistan


It is evident that Islam emphasis on peaceful coexistence among various religions keeping in view that peaceful coexistence contributes to achieve peace, brotherhood, tolerance and harmony among the individuals of the society. This study highlights the role of the Holy Qur'an in laying down the basic principles for achieving peaceful coexistence. This study also explores the opinions of scholars on peaceful coexistence among Muslims and with the people of other religions. The study also investigates the challenges facing the Pakistan in achieving peaceful coexistence among the people of various religions by making efforts towards creating an atmosphere of harmony, brotherhood avoiding all types of acts based on violence and extremism. It aims to explore the ways forward to spread the culture of love, tolerance and harmony by stressing thoughtful analysis of the principles and values which contributes to achieving peaceful coexistence and creating attitude towards accepting others. This study ends in some findings and recommendations which guide to move forward towards taking serious steps and initiatives for making peaceful society by adopting the model derived from the Holy Qur'an for peaceful coexistence in the human society.

Author Biography

Dr.Naseem Mahmood, Assistant Professor، Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Allama Iqbal Graduate College, Sialkot

He has done his Ph.D from IIS,PU . Now he is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Allama Iqbal Graduate College, Sialkot.



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How to Cite
Muhammad, Dr. Muhammad Nawaz, and Dr.Naseem Mahmood. 2022. “التعايش السلمي المتناغم بين أتباع الأديان من المنظور القرآني (دراسة وصفية لجھود باكستان لتحقيق التعايش السلمي): Peaceful, Harmonious Coexistence Among the Followers of Religions from the Qur’anic Perspective (A Descriptive Study of Pakistan’s Efforts for Achieving Peaceful Coexistence)”. Al-Az̤vā 37 (57). Pakistan, 203-14. https://doi.org/10.51506/al-az̤vā.v37i57.514.