التعايش السلمي المتناغم بين أتباع الأديان من المنظور القرآني (دراسة وصفية لجهود باكستان لتحقيق التعايش السلمي)


  • Muhammad Nawaz Assistant Professor, Department of Translation & Interpretation International Islamic University, Islamabad Author
  • Naseem Mahmood Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Allama Iqbal Graduate College, Sialkot Author


Holy Qur'an, Peaceful, Harmonious, Coexistence, Efforts, Pakistan


The Islamic faith places a strong emphasis on peaceful 
coexistence between different religions. This is because such 
coexistence fosters peace, brotherhood, tolerance, and 
harmony among individuals in society. The Holy Qur'an sets 
out the fundamental principles for achieving peaceful 
coexistence, and scholars have also shared their views on 
this important topic.
The present study delves into the challenges that Pakistan 
faces in promoting peaceful coexistence among people of 
different religions. The goal is to create an atmosphere of 
harmony and brotherhood while avoiding all forms of 
violence and extremism. To cultivate a culture of love, 
tolerance, and harmony, we must carefully examine the 
principles and values that contribute to peaceful coexistence 
and adopt an accepting attitude towards others.
In conclusion, this study offers some key findings and 
recommendations for taking concrete steps towards building

a peaceful society. By embracing the model of peaceful 
coexistence outlined in the Holy Qur'an, we can work 
towards a brighter future for all.





