Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Alī Bin Ādam Al-Ithyubī And His Remarkable Contribution To Hadith Literature

  • Bareera Ahsan Visiting Lecturer, Government Pir Bahar Shah Associate College for Women, Sheikhupura.
  • Khadija Noor Lecturer, Government Graduate College for Women Shad Bagh, Lahore
Keywords: Shaykh Ali Bin Adam Al-Ithyubi, Hadith, Contributions


The paper sheds light on a well-known Ethiopian scholar of Hadith, Shaykh Muhammad bin Ali Adam Al-Ethiopee. He had major contribution in Hadith literature. He was one of the few scholars who could truly be called a Muhaddith. Allah had bestowed upon him a comprehensive understanding of the Islamic 'Ulum and he strived hard to revive the science of Hadith. He dedicated his life to the dawah and research so that the Muslims may practice their Din as the earliest Muslims had practiced it and may avoid the deviations (Biddah) that have crept into the Muslim Ummah. He reawakened the Muslim scholars to the study of the Hadith. This is a short biography and an account on his works in Islamic Sciences. And specifically, his work in Hadith Sciences is mentioned and briefly explained.


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How to Cite
Bareera Ahsan, and Khadija Noor. 2024. “Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Alī Bin Ādam Al-Ithyubī And His Remarkable Contribution To Hadith Literature”. Al-Az̤vā 39 (61). Pakistan, 01-10.̤vā.v39i61.707.