عناية المحدِّثين بالجامع الصَّحيح للبخاري في شبه القارة الهنديَّة
Hadīth, Science of Hadīth, Attention of Muhaddithūn, Sahih al-Bukhārī, Shuruh, Indian subcontinentAbstract
This study deals with a historical overview of the entry of Islam to the Indian subcontinent and the contribution of the companions, successor, and their followers in spreading the Prophetic Sunnah in it. Moreover, It contains a brief historical overview of the emergence of hadīth science، its weakness, renaissance, development, and flourishing, and a study of the attention of Muhaddithūn to the Sahih al-Bukhārī by writing its Shuruh, Taliqāt، Hawāshī, and Tarājim in the Indian subcontinent. It has been proven from the study of the history of hadīth science that after the entry of the Ghaznavids and the Ghurids to this region, the science of hadīth weakened due to the interest of the locals in rational sciences until Sultān Ala’ud-Dīn al-Khiljī (d. 716/1316) period. The scholars began to pay attention to the compilations of hadīth in general and Sahih al-Bukhārī in particular, and the first Sharh of Sahih al-Bukhārī appeared by Sheikh al-Hassan b. Muhammad al-Saghānī al-Lāhourī (d. 1252/650). It was revealed from a historical study of Sahih al-Bukhārī’s related studies in the Indian subcontinent that all were written in three stages. The first stage was the era of the renaissance of hadīth science and the emergence of Sahih al-Bukhari’s Shuruh and Hawāshī in the Arabic language. The second stage was the era of the development of hadīth sciences and the emergence of Sahih al-Bukhari’s Shuruh and Tarājim in the Arabic and Persian languages. Besides, the study proved that it was the era of translation and authorship in the Persian language, which was one of the most widespread languages، understanding, and delivered in the scientific community of the Indian subcontinent. As for the third stage, it is the flourishing of hadīth science and the emergence of a diversity of books about the Sahih al-Bukhārī in Arabic, Urdu, and Pashto. It was discovered from the study that the Urdu language took the place of Persian in the dissemination of legal sciences and the authorship of Sahih al-Bukhārī.